Though still warm, it’s beginning to feel like Fall… let’s take a look at the September Observations at the Cove…
September Flora…
Many of the most predominant wildflowers of early summer are beginning to fade. Some varieties of Rudbeckia are still lingering on though. Goldenseal is blooming this month, as are many Crape Myrtles. Some roses are still in bloom but most have faded. Gordonia Bay are beginning to fade all along the pond and water lilies are opening. The garden flowers are blooming well, ie Fire Bush, Salvias, Bidens Alba, Hibiscus, Moonflower, and Horsemint
September Fauna…
Typical mornings with Sandhill Cranes. The hawks haven’t been as noisy as usual this month. Always a lot of deer activity. Haven’t seen many Turkey this month. Armadillos have been less active this month but still, show up after a rain. Possum and Racoon activity is not as noticeable. A small gator gets spotted in Gillis Pond on occasion. Deer flies still linger and the mosquitos are rough.
The warm nights are full, with the sounds of Cicadas and Frogs. Owl activity has increased significantly this year ( 2018 )
September Celestial Observations…
Sunday, September 2 at 10:38 p.m. EDT – Last Quarter Moon
Sunday, September 9 at 2:01 p.m. EDT – New Moon
September 12, the young waxing crescent moon will take up a position a fist’s diameter above Venus
Sunday, September 16 at 7:16 p.m. EDT – First Quarter Moon
Monday, September 17 evening – Moon meets Saturn
Wednesday, September 19 evening – Mars and Moon Meet
Friday, September 21 evening – Venus at its Brightest
Saturday, September 22 at 9:54 p.m. EDT – Equinox
Monday, September 24 at 10:53 p.m. EDT – Full Harvest Moon
Mercury will be visible low in the eastern pre-dawn sky during the first week of September.
Mars, well positioned for viewing all month, will spend September moving eastward through the stars of western Capricornus
Saturn will be visible during September as a medium-bright (visual magnitude 0.4 to 0.5), a yellowish object in the lower part of the southern evening sky.